Quote of the Week

"If I picked a rose for everytime I thought of you, I'd be picking roses for a lifetime!" -anonymous

Thursday, February 23, 2012

The Ides of March!

..... Well I am sitting here in math and we aren't doing anything. There are about ten kids in class right now and it is dead silent. I finished my homework and I still have another 45 minutes left.... Yep... You can probably guess that I'm really bored. While I have been sitting here, my mind has started to wonder and think about what is coming up ahead. The month of March is going to be hell. I am trying to soak up every last ounce of February before March begins... And we only have one week left :( March is my birth month which is exciting, but it kind of gets buried under everything else. Here's a rough draft of my March!

1.) The first weekend I have a clogging competition at Thanksgiving Point. I am super excited to get away and hangout with my studio. We will do extremely well!

2.) March 3-12 my parents will be in the Dominican republic Partying it up! Yeah... Awesome... Actually, my siblings and I are excited!! Party for a week and a half! Although I won't even be there, which brings me to number 3.

3.) I will be leaving for band tour on march 6th and I won't be back til march 11th! We are going to San Diego California!! Whoop! I am more than excited. Warm weather, friends, music, an out of Utah. I need to get away and this is the perfect escape. I might even be able to get a scholarship! Crossing my fingers!

4.) the 3rd week in march I will be home. The only thing I will be doing Is catching up on homework.... Oh man. While I am on tour, i will be missing a chapter exam in medical anatomy and 2 college exams. Yep, my life rocks!! And that is only one class. Dont even want to mention the rest....On march 17th I hope to be going to the secondhand serenade and Boyce avenue concert with some friends to release some stress... Yet again, crossing my fingers.

5.) the fourth weekend is prom. I have been asked and I am happy to be going! Positive attitude and it should be fun! Still crossing my fingers it is fun!

6.) and this is where all hell breaks loose. The last week is going to kill me. I have been planning to run for sbo president since I was about twelve. The time has come and this week is election week. Good thing my mom and I have planned extremely well for this and we have a good rough draft to follow through with. I am excited and I am planning on winning... There has been the same kid in there as president since 8th grade... Not this year! It will be me! On top of all of this, it is cheer nationals week. The whole month of march we will be practicing and practicing in preparation for nationals. Elections are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, we leve Friday morning for California to compete. I will know Thursday if I won sbo or not. Wow Betsy. I'm going to die.

.. Well I'm terrified for this month to start!! But at the same time I am excited. Once march is over I will be able to see the light again. I'll be with my family snowboarding it up!! I can't wait... Wish me luck I'll make it through in one piece... Let the lees of March begin!!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Last Saturday was one of the craziest days of my life. Not only was it the Preference dance, but my 14 year old cousin was snowboarding and he broke his femur. He tried to fight against a tree... and of course the tree won. He was immediately rushed to the ER and he is fine now! The sad thing is that he just recovered from an ACL tear on his other leg, and then he goes and breaks his femur. My family and I went to see him on Monday night and he is doing really well! He has to sit in bed all day long, and he cannot fully use it for another 6 months. Breaks my heart. Although Max, Eric, and I were able to make him laugh and smile! His mom said that she hasn't seen a smile on him for the last couple of days. The support that a family member can give another is one incredible thing. Just being there and talking to him for over an hour, we were able to make him smile and laugh a little bit, hoping to brighten his mood! My family is amazing and we are so close together. I know that if anything were ever to happen to me, they would be the first to be at my side encouraging me to keep going. I feel so bad for my cousin, but he will slowly get better and better. It just takes time! :) Through prayer and faith, we can accomplish the hardest of tasks. It may not happen as fast as we wish, but we can do anything we set our minds to. "If you say you can't, or say you can... you're right." This quote is in my seminary class and I read it everyday. It is one of my favorites. Don't give up and keep going! :)