Quote of the Week

"If I picked a rose for everytime I thought of you, I'd be picking roses for a lifetime!" -anonymous

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Just a Couple of Rants I Have....

Okay... So it's late, I'm a little bugged, I need to vent, and I'm typing this on my tiny iPod. If I make a lot of grammar mistakes, just keep reading and don't judge me. Thanks. This past week was spring break for the Davis school district. My very best friends and I went on a trip to St. George. We drove there and had an absolute blast together. Wanna know what we did the whole time?.... Absolutely nothing. We ate, and ate, and ate some more. We had no plans the whole time and we just went with the flow of things. It was the best trip ever and it was definitely needed. My three best friends and I had a lot of time to talk and think about our lives. Don't get me wrong, we were crazy and out of control most of the time. But once in awhile we would have some serious, deep talks. One of which was that we shouldn't have to change who we are as individuals for others to like us. We shouldn't be worrying about trying to get others approvals of who we are and what we are doing. I do not care what others think of me and if you can't accept me for the way I am... Then screw you. Sorry... But it's the truth. I'm sick and tired of trying to please everyone and making them happy before myself. That is no more. I love who I am and I love my life. I have a reason for the things I do and the actions I make. I'm done worrying and stressing over the little things that don't matter in life. I am going to surround myself with the people who I care about the most and who care about me just the same. They love me just the way I am and they won't change anything about me. They make me happy and I know they will always be there for me. Being in St. George opened my eyes to a lot of things, but mainly this. I am Emily freakin George and I think I'm pretty awesome. I deserve the best and so does everyone else. Never settle for less than your best. That's point one that I wanted to make. Phew.

Onto point two... I have never understood why people care so much about heir reputation in high school!! Who gives a dang!? Be proud of you who and don't look back. I can not WAIT to graduate and move on with my life. People are annoying and rude. I want a higher education and to actually be in a classroom with people who want to learn just as much as I do. All in all, no one is going to remember you by your reputation. They are going to remember you by how you treated yourself and others. Main point of point two... Be nice. That is all.

Alright... Point three. Hopefully my last rant, but no promises. I like to think of myself and my best friends as one of the most nonjudgmental people out there. Like seriously. While growing up, my parents always taught us that everyone is equal and we are all children of our Heavenly Father. You better believe we stick to that. Once you walk into our home, you are apart of the one and only George family. We could care less about your past and where you are now. We will not judge you and we will take you in and love you. I have a hard time with people judging others. They have no right to judge them. Yes I know, we all make first judgements when we first meet someone. But please get to actually know them before you start spreading rumors about them and making their lives miserable. And also... Forget the past. It's called the past for a reason. Move on, get over it, and love them for who they are NOW. Not then. Ugh... It gets me so heated when someone judges someone else by their past. Instead of looking at their past, maybe try looking to their future and to what they can become. Moral of point three.... Just don't judge. It's bad and I will not like you if you do it.

So.. I have one more rant. Sorry, but bare with me. If someone has something to say to me or has a problem with me, you better come talk to me in person. I'm an adult and I'm pretty sure I can handle myself. Lets all grow up and stop talking behind each others back!!! I promise you, I will have SO much more respect for you if you just come talk to me. And also... I know everything and word gets around. So it's probably better to just straight up tell someone then lie, talk badly about them, and continue lying. Just a word of advice. And one more thing. Honesty is always the best policy. Be honest with me and I will be honest with you. If not... Then that sucks for you.

Okay.... I think I got everything out. Sorry if any are offended from reading this, but all of this has been boiling inside of me and I just needed to get it out. I had some eye opening experiences while in St. George and I had a lot of time to think things over. I needed a good venting session and blogging is always the best for that. Also, I would personally like to thank Jaycee Brown and Courtney Hamilton for always having my back and being my best friends. We tell each other everything btws. Don't know what I would do without these two incredible girls in my life. They love me for who I am and I know they will never try to change me. Love you both. Thank you.

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