Quote of the Week

"If I picked a rose for everytime I thought of you, I'd be picking roses for a lifetime!" -anonymous

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

It's the Little Things

     If you read my last blog post, you would know that things are kind of rough right now. Well.. things are getting better and I am looking to the positive in life. Today was an eye-opener and just an awesome day. I had seminary today and I absolutely love that class. I always get something good out of seminary and I always feel so much better afterwards. For the month of May we had secret friends. Week one we had to give them our favorite treat, week two we had to write them a poem, and week three we gave them our favorite scripture and then told them who we were. It was  really fun and i love sneaking around doing nice things for people. Makes me happy. Well I wasn't in seminary last week when we got our scriptures and were told who had us. I got my scripture today as well as a note. I started crying in class after reading this... I will share this little note with you all. Made my entire day.


You were really fun to have as a secret friend and it was awesome to see your reactions. You do a lot for this class and you make seminary a super fun experience. Your smile always makes me smile when I see it in class and your attitude always helps my mood, your so positive and happy! I'm really glad that I to meet you this year and I hope we can stay in touch because your a funny and cute person to be around. I hope you enjoyed all the stuff I gave you and the last thing I have for you is this scripture. Matthew 5: 14-16 (Ye are thel ight of the world...) You don't need any help though because you already glow... You always set great examples for me to follow so thank you for everything.
     I don't know why this hit me so hard, but this little note was what I needed these past few weeks. This was my pick me up. I am so grateful for this friend of mine in seminary, he has been an answer to my prayers. It's the little things that people do for you that make you feel better. It's the little things that make you happier again. 

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